Miami Criminal Lawyer Blog

When U.S. Criminal Laws Apply Overseas

When U.S. Criminal Laws Apply Overseas As a criminal defense attorney in Miami, I often come across cases involving activities that took place outside of the United States. While criminal law is usually limited to the jurisdiction in which the alleged crime occurred, there are many circumstances in which crimes committed in other countries can be prosecuted in the [...]

By |August 1st, 2023|Categories: Criminal Law|Comments Off on When U.S. Criminal Laws Apply Overseas

Can a Police Officer Arrest You Outside Their Jurisdiction in Florida?

Can a Police Officer Arrest You Outside Their Jurisdiction in Florida? You're driving down the highway when you see those familiar flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. You pull over, expecting to get a speeding ticket from the local police department. But when the officer approaches your window, you notice his uniform says he's from a [...]

By |July 30th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Police Officers|Comments Off on Can a Police Officer Arrest You Outside Their Jurisdiction in Florida?

When Can Police Stop and Frisk You in Miami? Understanding Terry Stops

When Can Police Stop and Frisk You in Miami? Understanding Terry Stops If you've ever been stopped on the street by a police officer who searched you for weapons or contraband, you were likely the subject of a "Terry stop." As a Miami criminal defense lawyer, I want to explain when these types of stops are legal, your rights and [...]

By |July 30th, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Criminal Procedure, Fourth Amendment|Comments Off on When Can Police Stop and Frisk You in Miami? Understanding Terry Stops

Understanding No Informations and Nolle Prosequis in Florida

Understanding No Informations and Nolle Prosequis in Florida If you've been arrested and charged with a crime in Florida, you may be wondering what comes next. Many people assume that an arrest automatically leads to prosecution and a trial. But in reality, the State Attorney's office can decide not to pursue charges after an arrest occurs. This is known [...]

By |July 28th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure|Comments Off on Understanding No Informations and Nolle Prosequis in Florida

A Stark Reminder that Judges Must Remain Impartial

A Stark Reminder that Judges Must Remain Impartial In a momentous decision that impacts our understanding of judicial conduct and the right to a fair trial, the Florida Supreme Court has publicly reprimanded Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer for showing bias during the trial of Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz. This event, as reported in an article by AP News, is [...]

By |July 26th, 2023|Categories: Judicial Misconduct|Comments Off on A Stark Reminder that Judges Must Remain Impartial

How to Modify or End an Injunction for Protection in Florida

How to Modify or End an Injunction for Protection in Florida Injunctions for protection provide critical safety for domestic violence, stalking, dating violence, sexual violence, and repeat violence victims. These court-ordered restraining orders restrict a respondent’s contact with a petitioner. But injunctions are not necessarily permanent. If circumstances change, you may wonder if you can cancel an injunction or [...]

By |July 23rd, 2023|Categories: Domestic Violence, Injunctions for Protection|Comments Off on How to Modify or End an Injunction for Protection in Florida

Consequences of Misdemeanor Convictions in Florida

Consequences of Misdemeanor Convictions in Florida A misdemeanor conviction may seem minor compared to a felony, but even a misdemeanor can carry severe collateral consequences that can negatively impact your life for years to come. It is critical that you fully understand these potential consequences before moving forward with a case. A misdemeanor may be "minor" in the eyes [...]

By |July 23rd, 2023|Categories: Collateral Consequences|Comments Off on Consequences of Misdemeanor Convictions in Florida

The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act

The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act In a world that is increasingly digitized, the importance of your online privacy and the security of your personal data has never been more apparent. A recently reintroduced bill, The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act, has been making waves in Congress, and it's a topic that you should be aware [...]

By |July 20th, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Electronic Evidence, Fourth Amendment, Privacy|Comments Off on The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act

The Role of Grand Juries in Florida’s Criminal Justice System

The Role of Grand Juries in Florida's Criminal Justice System As a criminal defense lawyer practicing in Miami, I am often asked about grand juries and how they operate in Florida. Grand juries play a crucial role in our criminal justice system, yet much of what they do occurs behind closed doors, leading to many misconceptions. In this post, [...]

By |July 20th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Florida Law|Comments Off on The Role of Grand Juries in Florida’s Criminal Justice System

Charging Documents in Florida

Charging Documents in Florida: What They Are and Why They Matter Being accused of a crime can be a stressful and confusing experience, especially if you don't understand the legal processes involved. One of the key steps in these processes is the filing of a 'charging document.' This is a critical component of any criminal case, so let's unpack [...]

By |July 16th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Defense, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure|Comments Off on Charging Documents in Florida