Criminal Justice Initiatives

Holding Prosecutors Accountable

Holding Prosecutors Accountable In a thought-provoking article titled "How to Recenter the Role of Prosecutors Around Accountability and Fairness," Sim Gill, a District Attorney serving a fourth term, addresses the ongoing debate between "reform" and "tough on crime" prosecutors. Gill argues that these two positions aren't mutually exclusive and that prosecutors can advance their profession and create safer communities [...]

By |May 5th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Justice Initiatives, Criminal Justice System, Prosecutorial Misconduct|Comments Off on Holding Prosecutors Accountable

Courtwatchers Fight Against ‘Assembly Line of Injustice’

As a criminal defense attorney, I am excited to share the launch of the National Courtwatch Network and its website,, which aims to bring transparency and accountability to courtrooms across the United States. According to a recent article, the initiative seeks to inspire a transparency movement that scrutinizes the “assembly line of injustice” happening in America’s courtrooms. The [...]

By |February 18th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Justice Initiatives, Criminal Justice Reform|Comments Off on Courtwatchers Fight Against ‘Assembly Line of Injustice’