Racial Profiling and Shoplifting Charges

You’re walking through a store, browsing the aisles, when you notice a security guard eyeing you suspiciously. You feel anxious and try to avoid him, focusing on the items you want to purchase. As you head to the checkout lane, the guard approaches you, demanding to check your bag and accusing you of shoplifting. Shocked at the confrontation, you comply, knowing you’ve done nothing wrong. He finds nothing incriminating yet still threatens to call the police unless you leave the premises immediately.

As you exit the store humiliated, you realize you’ve just experienced racial profiling. Unfortunately, the experience isn’t uncommon. Racial minorities often face false accusations and arbitrary harassment in retail settings. And in many cases, mistaken allegations by overzealous loss prevention officers lead to wrongful arrests.

If you have suffered discriminatory treatment and find yourself facing shoplifting charges, don’t panic. There are ways to protect yourself and fight back against injustice. As Miami criminal defense attorneys, we are here to advise and defend clients wrongfully accused due to racial profiling. Arm yourself with knowledge of your rights and legal options. You have the power to take a stand against unjust accusations. With experienced legal counsel on your side, you can pursue justice.

The Pervasiveness of Racial Profiling in Retail Establishments

Racial profiling refers to the discriminatory practice of targeting individuals as suspicious based solely on their ethnicity, national origin, or race. It flows from stereotypes and prejudices rather than factual evidence or probable cause of criminal activity.

Unfortunately, people of color face profiling and surveillance in public spaces ranging from airports to streets. However, one of the most common venues is retail stores.

Despite making up a minority portion of actual shoplifters, Black and Latino individuals face disproportionate monitoring and enforcement from loss prevention personnel. Moreover, a significant percentage of shoppers wrongfully accused due to profiling end up getting arrested anyhow due to internal store policies directing guards to contact law enforcement whenever they have “enough evidence” against a suspect.

The differential treatment stems from the misconception that minorities pose a higher risk for shoplifting, with security workers relying on race as a proxy for criminal propensity. However, researchers have found no credible evidence that specific racial or ethnic groups shoplift at higher rates. Stores end up aggravating racial disparities in over-criminalization through their approach to loss prevention.

Consequences of Shoplifting Charges in Florida

If a retail employee, security officer, or bystander reports you for shoplifting, police may charge you with larceny/theft or retail theft under Section 812.015 of the Florida Statutes. Charges can proceed regardless of the actual value of the merchandise involved, though harsher penalties apply for thefts over certain dollar values.

Potential consequences include:

Petit Theft Charges for Stolen Goods Valued Under $750: Possible penalties include up to 1 year in jail, 12 months probation, and $1,000 in fines. Enhanced charges are possible for repeat offenses within a certain timeframe.

Grand Theft Charges for Stolen Goods Valued at $750 or More: Charges proceed as a felony rather than a misdemeanor. You face steep fines and a years-long prison sentence, depending on your criminal history, the actual value of the goods, and the specifics of the incident.

Permanent Criminal Record: Any theft conviction, whether a misdemeanor or felony, creates a lifelong criminal history easily visible to employers, landlords, schools, and others via background checks. This creates barriers to jobs, housing, education, loans, and licensed professions.

Civil Demand Letter: Even without criminal charges, retailers can send you a civil demand letter requiring payment of monetary damages under Florida’s shoplifting liability statute. Failure to pay may result in a civil lawsuit against you, seeking multiple times the merchandise value.

Battling False Allegations and Discriminatory Treatment

If you face allegations due to profiling rather than factual evidence, don’t let injustice go unchallenged—fight back. Discriminatory surveillance, groundless accusations, and wrongful arrests violate your protected civil rights.

Defense strategies in cases involving mistaken or bad faith allegations include:

  • Filing complaints over discriminatory practices with the offending retailer and relevant oversight agencies. In Florida, you can file a complaint alleging racial profiling by retailers with the Florida Commission on Human Relations.
  • Contesting inaccurate police reports detailing the alleged theft. Faulty documentation can get charges dismissed.
  • Presenting video surveillance footage showing your actions did not meet the elements required for a theft charge. For example, a video proving you never actually left the store with unpaid merchandise or concealed store goods can defeat allegations.
  • Recovering civil damages via lawsuits or pre-trial settlement agreements with retailers over profiling incidents, false arrests, slander, and other harms.
  • Leveraging public pressure and media attention over racially discriminatory loss prevention practices, particularly for large retailers concerned about public image.

Keep in mind that in cases lacking solid evidence of theft, prosecutors may dismiss charges once your defense attorney challenges them. Police tend to make arrests reflexively when retailers report theft accusations against a suspect. However, authorities may drop many of those cases once an attorney brings inconsistencies to light.

Partnering with a Trusted Criminal Defense Firm

Don’t let false allegations and discriminatory mistreatment go unanswered. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can help you avoid unfair consequences while pursuing justice over civil rights violations. Representation is vital when faced with severe criminal penalties and related civil liability.

As your legal counsel, we will:

  • Investigate the allegations and analyze retailers’ procedures for racial bias
  • Contest inaccurate information in arrest paperwork and incident reports
  • Pressure prosecutors for dismissal of unjust charges
  • Develop affirmative defenses regarding factual innocence
  • File state/federal complaints over discriminatory treatment
  • Discuss whether to pursue countersuits over profiling practices and related damages

Here at The Edelstein Firm, our legal team brings decades of combined experience defending against theft accusations. Schedule your free case evaluation for personalized counsel over your rights and options. Protect your reputation and future by proactively countering false allegations. With tailored guidance from a knowledgeable attorney, you can hold retailers responsible for racial profiling while clearing your name.

CALL US NOW for a CONFIDENTIAL INITIAL CONSULTATION at (305) 538-4545, or take a moment to fill out our confidential and secure intake form.* The additional details you provide will greatly assist us in responding to your inquiry.


*Due to the large number of people who contact our law office requesting our assistance, it is strongly suggested that you take the time to provide us with specific details regarding your case by filling out our confidential and secure intake form. The additional details you provide will greatly assist us in responding to your inquiry promptly and appropriately.